Hindi, asked by nitapansuriya15, 2 months ago

summer and beautiful plentiful grasshopper ate content sang merrily ants collecting He laughed said of an ant greedy ant said storing food to starve at the door thing to eat for the winter came winter food scarce hopper found difficult one day hopper knocked the ant requested ant said lazy creature shut her door.gfvgrgfr​


Answered by anweshamahajan72


The name of the story is the winter and the grasshopper here during the winter insects like ants were collecting food but the grasshopper was lazy and was telling the ants that they can also collect food later but the told that it's better to be ready for the winter but the grasshopper didn't payed attention to them and when it was winter all the insects were on their homes and enjoying the winter where was the grasshopper was starving because he was not ready for the winter and he went to the house of ants for help but the ants told him that you should get a lesson for neglecting time, and then they shut the door on his mouth.

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