Summer is approching and with it the threat of mosquitoes is also approaching who are responsible for deadly diseases like malaria,chikungunya,dengue etc. On behalf of the Ministry of Health, Rajasthan,draft a poster appealing the people to take measures to stop mosquitos breeding in their area. Suggest some measures too.
Summer Time
For the past 20 years, the entire country is facing diseases because of mosquitoes. But this all started happening only because of us.
20 years before, when the drainage systems were maintained well, when the people were neat and clean, when there was proper usage of the water and no damp areas were present, there were very few mosquitoes present in India.
We all can come together by putting our hands together and close these drainage systems, reduce these damp areas and keep the place neat and clean. This will help all the people to stay away from the diseases like malaria, dengue, etc. Thank you for your cooperation
Ministry of Health
I am not sure about the format but i hope this text helps you out and you can modify on this.
thank you