Summers are becoming hotter with each passing year. Write a description of one such very hot day what did you see and hear as you walked outside? How were birds and animals affected?
Summers never used to be this hot, did they?
It was noon. The sun was right over the head. It was showering fire. I felt thirsty and drank water again and again, but still I was awfully dissatisfied. Ice and cold water were in much demand. But they could not provide any comfort. Fans and coolers were of little help, they were giving hot air. This air proved stiffling. A few minutes walk on the road was highly uncomfortable.
By the evening there was a little respite from the heat. The temperature of the day came down a little. People began to move in the bazars and on the roads. They wanted to finish their daily chores. But to their bad luck, the light is tripped. Suffocation increased again. Everyone was helpless. Thus passed the hottest day..xD
Summers never used to be this hot, did they?
It was noon. The sun was right over the head. It was showering fire. I felt thirsty and drank water again and again, but still I was awfully dissatisfied. Ice and cold water were in much demand. But they could not provide any comfort. Fans and coolers were of little help, they were giving hot air. This air proved stiffling. A few minutes walk on the road was highly uncomfortable.
By the evening there was a little respite from the heat. The temperature of the day came down a little. People began to move in the bazars and on the roads. They wanted to finish their daily chores. But to their bad luck, the light is tripped. Suffocation increased again. Everyone was helpless. Thus passed the hottest day.