English, asked by rasekarbhumipal, 11 months ago

Summery writing title
Title :

Shikandi,best of chairiot fighter,guarded by arjuna, severed Bheeshma's bow in that Battle and pierced him with ten arrows.Bheeshma,son of Ganga took up another swifter bow,but arjun severed this too with three sharp broad shaft,and in this way the ambidextrous son of pandu ,in fury repeatedly severed every bow that Bheeshma took up.when his bow was severd,Bheeshma in fury seized his mountain splitting spear in fury he huried it at arjun chariot when pandu son saw it descending on him like a blazing thounderboit he took up five sharp broad shaft and he severed that spear with his five arrows into five piese huried though it was with the stangth of Bheeshma's arm. when bhishma saw his spear severed he was filled with anger ,he thought to himself with a single bow I could kill all the pandavas if only mighty Krishna were not their protector. There are two reasons why i shall not fight the pandavas their invulnerability ,and shikandi's ,he was pleased with me and granted me the ability to die when i choose ,and also invulnerability in battle.So now i consider that the proper time for my death has come .when the seers and the vasus , realized the resolve of bheeshma they addressed him from the heavens:'what you have resolved ,o hero , please us greatly ! Do it, mighty Bowman ! Turn your mind from war " As these words came to an end a pleasant breeze began to blow ,fragrant and agreeable , and charged with water drops the kettledrum of the gods roared with a great noise , and a rain of flowers fell upon Bheeshma ,o prince.​


Answered by asritadevi2emailcom

Title :


Shikandi,best of chairiot fighter,guarded by arjuna, severed Bheeshma's bow in that Battle and pierced him with ten arrows.Bheeshma,son of Ganga took up another swifter bow,but arjun severed this too with three sharp broad shaft,and in this way the ambidextrous son of pandu ,in fury repeatedly severed every bow that Bheeshma took up.when his bow was severd,Bheeshma in fury seized his mountain splitting spear in fury he huried it at arjun chariot when pandu son saw it descending on him like a blazing thounderboit he took up five sharp broad shaft and he severed that spear with his five arrows into five piese huried though it was with the stangth of Bheeshma's arm. when bhishma saw his spear severed he was filled with anger ,he thought to himself with a single

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