Science, asked by jatin4939, 11 months ago

sun like stars : sirius : : variable stars :


Answered by Sidyandex

sun like stars : Sirius : : variable stars : Omicron Ceti.

A variable star is, quite simply, a star that changes brightness.

The first modern identified variable star was Omicron Ceti. 

It had been described as a nova in 1596 by David Fabricius.

The discovery of variable stars, along with reports of supernovae, led to the development of the science of astronomy. "

Answered by tiwaavi

Answer ⇒ Sun like stars : Sirius : : variable stars : Mira

Explanation ⇒  Mira is the Star which is about 200 to 400 light years far away from the Sun or you can say it as Solar System.

It looks like a Red Giant thus it is given a name of Ref Giant starts. It has a Collection of Planets which are revolving around it.

It is alternatively called as the ''Omicron Ceti''.  Also, It has a Binary Stellar System.

Scientist were thinking to discover many more about this Star as It may have some Mystery which may cause rise in future generations development.

Hope it helps .

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