Sunita kept mango pickle in airtight container of brass and stored some rice in copper . she observed black patches on pickle and green spots on rice i.e. both the food items got spoilt
a) help sunita to understand the process.
b) explain her causes behind spoiling of food.
c) what will you suggest her ?
Pickles are deep rooted in our Indian culture
Arguably Andhras best known pickle is avakaya
Kannimanga achar is synonymous with mango pickle in Kerala
It’s a pleasant afternoon at Golden Wood, a resort within Harley Estate, a historic coffee estate in Sakleshpur, one of India’s coffee hubs. The lunch spread for the day is almost all local. Sakleshpur is part of Karnataka’s Malenad region and the region’s cuisine is truly distinctive. Amongst all the delicacies there’s one item on the table that has suddenly become my focus of attention – kalule upinakai (the local name for bamboo shoot pickle).
a) The mango pickle generally contain acitic acid which reacts with brass that is a mixture of copper , lead, Zinc (CuPbZn) and gives Brass acetate + H2 .
Rice contains protiens (highest) that reacts with copper and form green spots on rice
b) Brass acetate is caused due to the coroding of Brass metal by acetic acid.
Coroding of copper metal on rice is the main cause behind spoiling of food
c) Its better to store pickels in a glass jar than brass container
Its better to store rice in an airtight plastic jar .
Hope this answer is helpful