Sunita spends Rs. a daily and saves Rs. b per week. What is her income for two weeks?
a multiply by b
and ab multiply by 2
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If Binny spends Rs. a daily and saves Rs. b per week. What is her income for two weeks?
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Amount saved by Benny in a week or 7 days = Rs. b
Amount saved by Benny in two weeks or 14 days = b+b
= Rs. 2b
Expenditure of Benny in one day = Rs. a
Expenditure of Benny in a week or 7 days = Rs. 7a
Expenditure of Benny in two weeks = 7a+7a
= 14a
We know that,
The income of a person = Savings of a person + Expenditure of a person
Benny's income for two weeks = Benny's savings for two weeks + Benny's expenditure for two weeks
= Rs. (2b+14a