English, asked by ArkadipHansda, 1 month ago

Supply suitable subordinate clauses to complete the following sentences : Keep the books ​


Answered by crankybirds31


"Supply suitable subordinate clauses to complete the following sentences : Keep the books

Keep the books on the table"

Answered by COMMANDED


A.Mark the clauses as main clause (MC), subordinate clause

(SC) and coordinate clause( CC) in these sentences.

1. Priya had a nice basket full of fruits which I like the most.


2. I wanted to play Scrabble , but my sister was keen on

playing Monopoly. ( MC) (CC)

3. Debu likes music that is composed by A R Rehman. (MC)


4. The lady who is wearing a black dress is my aunt. (SC)

5. Use the washing machine carefully, as I showed you

yesterday. (MC) (CC)

6. Ravi has a car but prefers to travel by bus. (MC) (CC)

Rest of the exercise is homework.

B. Complete the following with main, subordinate or

coordinate clauses.

The answers may vary from individual to individual.

C. Complete each sentences with a properly formed noun

clause. Choose the correct option.

1. Harish asked me where was his CD player.

2. They couldn’t tell me where was I.

3. He doesn’t know how many employees does he have.

4. How tired we are is not important.

5. What Ravi said was true.

Rest will be homework.

D. Complete the sentences with the correct option.

1. Last week, our cat gave birth to a lotter of kittens, but we

don’t know where is our cat.

2. Now, our cat is home again, and we can

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