Suppose Dic1={1:’south’,2:’ponit’,3:’school’}
Write the output of the following code: 3
i. print( Dic1.items())
ii. print( Dic2.keys())
iii. print( Dic1.values())
iv. print( Dic1.update(Dic2))
v. print( len(Dic2))
vi. Dic2.clear()
Answer- The above question is from the chapter 'Working With Lists and Dictionaries'.
Python is a simple programming language.
It has been created by Guido van Rossum and launched in 1991.
Its features make it easy to understand and this language is used a lot in the big companies and industries.
Given question: Suppose Dic1 = {1 : "south", 2 : "point", 3 : "school"}
Dic2 = {"one" : "CBSE", "two" : "Guwahati"}
Write the output of the following code:
i. print(Dic1.items())
ii. print(Dic2.keys())
iii. print(Dic1.values())
iv. print(Dic1.update(Dic2))
v. print(len(Dic2))
vi. Dic2.clear()
Dic1 = {1 : "south", 2 : "point", 3 : "school"}
Dic2 = {"one" : "CBSE", "two" : "Guwahati"}
i. >>> print(Dic1.items()) #It will display key-value pairs in Dic1.
dict_items([(1, 'south'), (2, 'point'), (3, 'school')])
ii. >>> print(Dic2.keys()) #It will display only keys in Dic2.
dict_keys(['one', 'two'])
iii. >>> print(Dic1.values()) #It will display only values in Dic1.
dict_values(['south', 'point', 'school'])
iv. >>> print(Dic1.update(Dic2)) #It will update elements of Dic2 in Dic1.
{1: 'south', 2: 'point', 3: 'school', 'one': 'CBSE', 'two': 'Guwahati'}
v. >>> print(len(Dic2)) #It returns the length of Dic2.
vi. >>> Dic2.clear()
>>> print(Dic2) #It displays an empty Dic2.
{ }
(Note: Output has been displayed using Heading font size. Comments have been added for lucid explanation.)