Physics, asked by Aprajita9144, 1 month ago

Suppose that at point A that the object traveled in a straight line at a constant speed towards B’. In what direction must a force be applied to force the object back towards B? Copy the diagram and add an arrow in the direction of the required force. Repeat the procedure for an object moving from C to D’. Draw an arrow. If the acceleration of the body is towards the center, what is the direction of the unbalanced force? Using a complete sentence describe the direction of the net force that causes the body to travel in a circle at constant speed.


Answered by 976947


an object moving in a circle is experiencing an acceleration. Even if moving around the perimeter of the circle with a constant speed, there is still a change in velocity and subsequently an acceleration. This acceleration is directed towards the center of the circle. And in accord with Newton's second law of motion, an object which experiences an acceleration must also be experiencing a net force. The direction of the net force is in the same direction as the acceleration. So for an object moving in a circle, there must be an inward force acting upon it in order to cause its inward acceleration. This is sometimes referred to as the centripetal force requirement. The word centripetal (not to be confused with the F-word centrifugal) means center seeking. For object's moving in circular motion, there is a net force acting towards the center which causes the object to seek the center.

To understand the importance of a centripetal force, it is important to have a sturdy understanding of the Newton's first law of motion - the law of inertia. The law of inertia states that ...

... objects in motion tend to stay in motion with the same speed and the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

According to Newton's first law of motion, it is the natural tendency of all moving objects to continue in motion in the same direction that they are moving ... unless some form of unbalanced force acts upon the object to deviate its motion from its straight-line path. Moving objects will tend to naturally travel in straight lines; an unbalanced force is only required to cause it to turn. Thus, the presence of an unbalanced force is required for objects to move in circles.


Inertia, Force and Acceleration for an Automobile Passenger

The idea expressed by Newton's law of inertia should not be surprising to us. We experience this phenomenon of inertia nearly everyday when we drive our automobile. For example, imagine that you are a passenger in a car at a traffic light. The light turns green and the driver accelerates from rest. The car begins to accelerate forward, yet relative to the seat which you are on your body begins to lean backwards. Your body being at rest tends to stay at rest. This is one aspect of the law of inertia thrown forwards is merely the tendency of your body to resist the deceleration and to remain in its state of forward motion. This is the second aspect of Newton's law of inertia - "an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction... ." The unbalanced force acting upon the car causes the car to slow down while your body continues in its forward motion. You are once more left with the false feeling of being pushed in a direction which is opposite your acceleration.

These two driving scenarios are summarized by the following graphic.

In each case - the car starting from rest and the moving car braking to a stop - the direction which the passengers lean is opposite the direction of the acceleration. This is merely the result of the passenger's inertia - the tendency to resist acceleration. The passenger's lean is not an acceleration in itself but rather the tendency to maintain the state of motion while the car does the acceleration. The tendency of a passenger's body to maintain its state of rest or motion while the surroundings (the car) accelerate is often misconstrued as an acceleration. This becomes particularly problematic when we consider the third possible inertia experience of a passenger in a moving automobile - the left hand turn.

Suppose that on the next part of your travels the driver of the car makes a sharp turn to the left at constant speed. During the turn, the car travels in a circular-type path. That is, the car sweeps out one-quarter of a circle. The friction force acting upon the turned wheels of the car causes an unbalanced force upon the car and a subsequent acceleration. The unbalanced force and the acceleration are both directed towards the center of the circle about which the car is turning. Your body however is in motion and tends to stay in motion. It is the inertia of your body - the tendency to resist acceleration - that causes it to continue in its forward motion.

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