Suppose that the stack pointer (sp) of 8085 contains 2004h. If the instruction "push psw" is used, the value of sp will be
Microprocessors. ( Contd.) Week 3 Lecture. Slides ... The due date for submitting this assignment has passed. ... value of the Interrupt Enable (IE) flip flop is.
The correct answer for the given question will be:
The value of sp will be 2002H
PSW is an abbreviation for PROGRAM STATUS WORD. PSW is a combination of accumulator A and flag register F.
8085 instruction set, you can use the POP mnemonic to pop 2 bytes from the top of the stack with RP. H. A pair of registers (eg BC, DE, HL, or AF, where AF is a register pair consisting of a flag register and an accumulator register, also known as a PSW (processor status word). , The accumulator is MS bytes and the flag register is LS bytes.
LXI instruction has four possible register pairs (BC, DE, HL, and SP) that can be used. Therefore, you cannot apply SP and PSW at the same time on the same statement.