Suppose the cover price of a book is $24.95, but bookstores get a 40% discount. Shipping costs $3 for the first copy and 75 cents for each additional copy. What is the total wholesale cost for 60 copies?
bookPrice = 24.95 discount = .60 shippingPriceRest = .75 shippingPriceFirst = 3.00 totalUnits = 60 bookDiscountAmount = bookPrice * discount * totalUnits shipping = shippingPriceRest * 59 + shippingPriceFirst result = bookDiscountAmount + shipping print 'The total price for 60 books including shipping and discount is: ' print 'Total price of the books is: ' + str(bookDiscountAmount) print 'Total Shipping is: ' + str(shipping) print 'The Total price is: ' + str(result)
bookPrice = 24.95
discount = .60
shippingPriceRest = .75
shippingPriceFirst = 3.00
totalUnits = 60
totalCostBeforeShipping = (bookPrice * discount) * totalUnits
shipping = (shippingPriceRest * (totalUnits-1)) + shippingPriceFirst
result = totalCostBeforeShipping + shipping
print("The total price for 60 books including shipping and discount is: ")
print("Total price of the books is: " + str(totalCostBeforeShipping))
print("Total Shipping is: " + str(shipping))
print("The Total price is: " + str(result))