Computer Science, asked by deeksha4818, 1 year ago

Suppose we have a system that is composed of two blocks, with the first block having a gain a=10 and an input ip3 of aip3,1=1 and the second block having a gain of b=2 and input ip3 of aip3,2=1.Calculate input ip3 for whole system.Redrive the iip3 of the system if order of the blocks is reversed


Answered by Anonymous


As with bits, the MSB (byte) is normally the byte farthest to the left, or the byte transmitted first in a sequence. When the MSB in a sequence is farthest to the left (or first), the least significant bit or byte (LSB) is usually the one farthest to the right (or last).

Answered by Anonymous


Minimum number of nodes in an AVL Tree with given height

Given the height of an AVL tree ‘h’, the task is to find the minimum number of nodes the tree can have.

Examples :

Input : H = 0

Output : N = 1

Only '1' node is possible if the height

of the tree is '0' which is the root node.

Input : H = 3

Output : N = 7

Recommended: Please try your approach on {IDE} first, before moving on to the solution.

Recursive Approach : In an AVL tree, we have to maintain the height balance property, i.e. difference in the height of the left and the right subtrees can not be other than -1, 0 or 1 for each node.

We will try to create a recurrence relation to find minimum number of nodes for a given height, n(h).

For height = 0, we can only have a single node in an AVL tree, i.e. n(0) = 1

For height = 1, we can have a minimum of two nodes in an AVL tree, i.e. n(1) = 2

Now for any height ‘h’, root will have two subtrees (left and right). Out of which one has to be of height h-1 and other of h-2. [root node excluded]

So, n(h) = 1 + n(h-1) + n(h-2) is the required recurrence relation for h>=2 [1 is added for the root node]

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