Suppose you are a magazine secretary. Write a notice informing the students to submit articles for the annual school magazine.
Required Notice :
⠀Empire High School, Seoul
July 27, 2021
⠀Submission of articles for school magazine
This is hereby to inform all the students to submit the articles for the annual school magazine. Students may give interesting stories, poems, facts, drawings and so on for the annual school magazine with your name, class, section and house. You all are requested to submit your articles by Saturday, 31st July.
Students may contact undersigned for further queries during school hours.
Kim Hye-Jeong
Magazine Secretary
- Issuing Authority ( school/club etc.)
- Date
- Title/Heading
- Body/content
- Signature
- Name
- Designation
P O I N T S⠀ T O⠀ N O T E :
- Notice must always be put in the box.
- Notice must be written in not more than 50 words.
- The language is kept as simple as possible so that there is no possibility of misunderstandings in the reader's mind.
- Important points are highlighted as it is easy to remember the key.
- In notice, instructions must be clear and the contact address is indicated.
★ Format :
- Name of school/institution
- Date
- Subject
- Content
- Signature
- Name
- Designation
★ Required notice writing :
ABC Public School
Date : 27th July, 2021
Submition of artciles
This notice is to notify all the students that the articles which you had prepared for the annual school magazine can be submitted in the school. The details for the same:
- Date : 1st August, 2021
- Time : From 12:30 p.m to 2:00 p.m
- Eligibility : For classes 6th - 10th
- Venue : School recepetion
- Last Date : 5th August, 2021
Write your name, class, section & roll number on the article properly.
( Magazine secretary )
Note : Notice must always be enclosed in a BOX.