suppose you are a tv reporter. write the conservation between you and a victim of flood
Reporter: what's the present condition?
flooded victim: it's caused havoc
to the people, actually it has appeared as a curse for us.
Reporter:you are right the flood has made a great loss and suffering of the common people.
Flood victim: besides it has destroyed of a lot of our wealth and property especially houses crops and cattle.
Reporter: exactly.
flood victim: we the farmers and the working class people,and the children are the worst suffers.
Reporter:are there any water born deseas?
flood victim: during the flood many water born deseas broke out such as cholera ,dairrea, dysentery deseas etc.
Reporter:what the government should do you think?
flood victim: government should come forwad rehabilitate the flood victim immediantly.
Reporter: Besides you the local people should work hand in handto.lessen the havoc of flood.
Flood victim:we are trying to our best to overcom the solution...