Science, asked by hiralrami68, 4 months ago

Suppose you are doing hard exercise in summer so, which two substances are

removed along withwater as sweat fromthe body?​


Answered by muthyalalakshm3


Most of us can’t make it through a workout without sweating. Just how much of the wet stuff you produce depends on a variety of factors, such as:

how hard you work out

weather conditions


your fitness level

health conditions

where you exercise

So, if you’ve ever wondered why you sweat, what the benefits are, and if it’s normal to sweat a lot or not much at all during a workout, we’ve got you covered.

Answered by Morriselasesino97


Medically reviewed by Shilpa Amin, M.D., CAQ, FAAFP — Written by Scott Frothingham on April 25, 2019

Physical exertion

Heavy metals detox

Eliminating BPA and PCB

Bacterial cleansing

What is sweat?


When we think of sweating, words like hot and sticky come to mind. But beyond that first impression, there are a number of health benefits of sweating, such as:

physical exertion benefits from exercise

detox of heavy metals

elimination of chemicals

bacterial cleansing

Sweating during exercise

Sweat often accompanies physical exertion. In many cases, exercise translates into a number of health benefits including:

boosting energy

maintaining healthy weight

defending against many diseases and health conditions

improving mood

promoting good sleep

Heavy metals detox

Although there are differing opinions on detoxification through sweat, a 2016 studyTrusted Source in China indicated that the levels of most heavy metals were lower in those people who exercised regularly.

Heavy metals were found in the sweat and urine with a higher concentration in the sweat, leading to the conclusion that, along with urinating, sweating is a potential method for the elimination of heavy metals.

Chemical elimination

BPA elimination

BPA, or bisphenol A, is an industrial chemical used in the manufacture of certain resins and plastics. According to the Mayo Clinic, exposure to BPA may have possible health effects on the brain and behavior along with a possible link to increased blood pressure.

According to a 2011 studyTrusted Source, sweat is an effective removal route for BPAs as well as a tool for BPA bio-monitoring.

PCB elimination

PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, are man-made organic chemicals that have been demonstrated to cause a number of adverse health effects. A 2013 article in ISRN Toxicology indicated that sweat could have a role in eliminating certain PCBs from the body.

The article also indicated that sweating didn’t appear to help clear the most common perfluorinated compounds (PCBs) found in the human body:

perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS)

perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)

perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS)

Bacterial cleansing

A 2015 review suggests that the glycoproteins in sweat bind to bacteria, helping removal from the body. The article calls for more research into microbial adhesion in sweat and its impact on skin infections.

What exactly is sweat?

Sweat or perspiration, is primarily water with tiny amounts of chemicals, such as:





You sweat when you exercise, have a fever, or are anxious.

Sweating is how your body cools itself. When your internal temperature rises, your sweat glands release water to the surface of your skin. As the sweat evaporates, it cools your skin and your blood beneath your skin.

Sweating too much

If you sweat more than you need for heat regulation, it’s called hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis can be caused by a number of conditions including low blood sugar and nervous system or thyroid disorders.

Sweating too little

If you sweat too little, it’s called anhidrosis. Anhidrosis can result in life-threatening overheating. Anhidrosis can be caused by a number of issues including burns, dehydration, and some nerve and skin disorders.

Why does sweat smell?

Actually, sweat doesn’t smell. The smell is from what the sweat mixes with, such as bacteria that live on your skin or hormone secretions from areas such as your armpits.

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