English, asked by mohitcsmohit7728, 4 months ago

Suppose you are sanjay punia. Your address is 199, krishna colony, Amritsar. Write a letter to the inspector of police, reporting the theft of your cycle


Answered by Anonymous

Required Letter :-


The (Officer In-charge),

(Police Station),

Amritsar (City Name),

Punjab (State Name)

Date: 12/04/2021


Sanjay Punia

199, krishna coloni, Amritsar.

Subject: Filing Complaint on theft of a Cycle.

Respected Sir,

With due respect and confidence in your efficiency, I am lodging a report about the theft of my cycle on 10/04/2021. On this unfortunate ate I went to (Address) to meet my friend on my Cycle. I park my cycle along the wall of (City name) police station. After an hour, i.e. around at 10 am, when I returned to the spot where I park my cycle, I was shocked to find that it was missing. I looked around and at a distance of about 2 kilometres. I saw a Man riding it. When I shouted and raised an alarm rider got lost in the crowd.


I immediately reported the incident to the duty in-charge at the police station and request to register my complaint. the colour of my cycle was black and it was brought from Milton company.

I request you to kindly register my complaint. I shall be grateful if early action is taken in finding the cycle. for any queries you may contact me at (Contact Number). I would be waiting anxiously for your call.

Thanking you

Yours truly

Sanjay Pania (Signature)

Sanjay (Name),

(Contact Number).


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