English, asked by aman123456789000, 1 year ago

Suppose you had wished to perform on stage for a long time. On the occasion of your school’s annual function, you finally got a chance to do so. Write a letter to your friend describing how you felt when you wish fulfilled.


Answered by Kevu0904

House No. 1124

Sector- 19



23rd January 2020

Dear Richa

I was glad to receive your letter. It was a pleasure to know that you are enjoying the winter vacations at your Mamaji’s place in Lucknow. You have asked about the annual function held at my school. Well, the annual function of my school was held on 2nd January, Tuesday. A stage was built up. Our Education Minister was the Chief Guest for the day. A cultural show was arranged, in which one-act plays, folk dance and songs.

Were presented. After the cultural show, the Principal read the Annual Report. The chief guest distributed prizes to the meritorious students and the best performers. He praised the efforts made by our school in preparing the students for the annual function. The function ended after a tea-party. It was a properly arranged and well managed function. Convey my regards to your Mamaji, Mamiji .

Your Friend


Kevu0904: hope its helpfull
Kevu0904: mark it plz
Answered by Serinus

Sector 6


New Delhi


Date- 21st January 2019

Dear friend,

How are you? Everything is well at my end and hope the same with you. In this letter, I wanted to tell you about my performance on the annual day of my school. This was the first time that I got the chance to perform on the stage. At first, I was very nervous but as I started to perform, I became confident. It was one of the best days of my life as performing on the stage before everyone was something which I wanted to do. I was very happy after the performance was over.

For now, I’m ending the letter. Will talk about it more in another letter. Take care of yourself.

Your loving friend


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