English, asked by somnathtranstech, 11 months ago

suppose you have met a visitor from another planet. write a paragraph in about sixty words on your experience ​


Answered by khushikashu


He looked at the creature, not moving a muscle except to breathe. The opposing creature did the same, except for the moving flesh-and-scale rods jutting out of its back, that just kept moving up and down at maybe 15 movements per minute. It wore a strange red and black suit with white trim, and strange beeping lights covered much of the torso and upper leg and arm sections. Its body was brown, scaly, and disgustingly slimy and a short, rope-like tail swung back and forth between its back legs.

Suddenly, a harsh yet melodic sound emanated from the creature’s suit, breaking the silence. Ray screamed. He had been the best astronaut of all those selected back in 2073. But no astronaut training could’ve prepared him for meeting this 3-meter-tall monstrosity. However, the creature was equally disturbed as evidenced by its bulging lung holes, its scream of terror like a jet engine, and its suit now leaking a black liquid from two vertical lines on its chest. Ray fell over and the creature backed away until it could move no further into the cliff, no matter how much fear compelled it.

Ray tried to regain his composure. The rovers had seen life, just not any life that looked tougher than a dachshund. He stood up and set the test down. Automatically, the test began, as it always did, with the mirror section. Could a lifeform recognize its reflected self?

The creature got up and pressed 4 suit buttons at once with its wide 8-fingered. In the blink of an eye, the creature’s arm moved and it was inexplicably holding some metallic device, glowing blue at one end while the other end glowed a sinister green. It slowly walked over and drew in the dirt. It was identifying that the reflection was itself, but through drawings. It walked closer, making a soft buzzing sound from a strange sac on its face, like how one might attempt to soothe a dangerous animal.

It drew another drawing of itself near Ray, except with different clothing. “BLEEEEEERIIIIIIIIE”, it said as it pointed with its third finger. Ray noticed its claws had partially retracted, and drew himself, in typical Earth clothes.

“Hyoo-Man.” he stressed, drawing out the word.

“YOOOOO-EEEEEEEEN?” the creature asked, lowering its four, double-jointed legs so as to shorten their meter-tall difference in height. As Ray pointed and repeated his species’s name again, he felt that, despite all differences, maybe life could get along .

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