Suppose you live in a school hostel and are under an attack of viral fever. The doctor has prescribed medicines and advised complete bed rest. Therefore you need to go home. Write a letter to the Headmaster/ Headmistress of your school seeking leave for the same. write a paragraph
its to the headmaster so clearly it should be an informal letter. I am writing this in the format I know so mark me brainliest
your address
his address
Dear Sir,
Subject: Leave from the school hostel due to the spread of a viral fever
Sir, this is y/n, I live in the shcool hostel which currently as you know is under the attack of a viral fever. I am not feeling comfortable living in the school hostel during these times and I writing this letter to get your permission for a leave for some days so I can return home.
The spread of this viral fever in the school hostel is no new news to anybody and it has really afeard me. Safety measures have been initiated like the prescription of medicine and bed rest, quarantine,etc but the spread of the fever has not stopped and even some of my friends are infected.The situation in the hostel is worsening day by day and this has stressed me out. I think the only way to be safe from this viral disease is by leaving this hostel so I am asking your permission for a leave for some days till the situation is handled.
Thank you for your help and I hope you would work accordingly.
Yours Faithfully,
p.s - y/n stands for your name btw and plz this took a lot of time and effort, plz mark this as brainliest