English, asked by Rishad2006, 17 days ago

Suppose your school has a poor canteen facility Students face a lot of problems to buy and at the end of the school hour. Now write a letter to your principal about improving the facilities so that students find a congenial atmosphere to eat their tiffin as many students cannot bring tiffin or lunch from home. Your letter must must cover the following points:
*What are the deficiency of service of the canteen
*How these problem can be solved
(Start with dear sir)

*Word Limit (200-300)*


Answered by itzblackhole


The environment can exert a strong influence on people's food decisions. In order to facilitate students to make more healthy food choices and to develop healthy eating habits, it is important that the school food environment is healthy. The Healthy School Canteen programme of The Netherlands Nutrition Centre is an intervention that helps schools to make their cafeteria's offering healthier. A descriptive study was conducted by an independent research agency to survey the perceptions, experiences, and opinions of users of the programme (school directors, parents, students, and health professionals). Results show that directors and students of participating schools perceive their cafeteria's offering to be healthier after implementing the programme than prior to implementation. Next, further important results of the study are highlighted and relations with other projects, caveats, and practical recommendations are discussed. It is concluded that the Healthy School Canteen prContacts of schools that participated in the Stimulation Award competition in 2006-2007, 2008-2009, and/or 2009-2010 were approached by e-mail to provide us with the e-mail address of their school director, student council, and parent council. A dataset with e-mail addresses of every Dutch secondary school was used to invite nonparticipating schools to participate in this study.

Subsequently, directors of participating schools (school directors of schools that (have) participate(d) in the Healthy School Canteen Stimulation Award competition at one point in time during the years 2006–2010) and nonparticipating schools and parents and students of participating schools, were invited to participate in the study and were sent links to online questionnaires. In total, four online questionnaires were sent out; one to school directors of participating schools, one to parent councils of participating schools, one to student councils of participating schools, and one to school directors of non-participating schools (

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