suppose your school has badly affected during the as a secretory wirte a letter to the education department and ask some fund for official letter
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A letter to Educational department
From:- Secretory, Zainab Raja
Address:- XYZ
Date:- 5th September 2020
The Educational department,
sir, I am Zainab the secretory of S.V.V school...
I am writing this letter to inform you about our school conditions during the Amphan cyclone, it has badly effected by this cyclone, during this cyclone our school's windows, doors, and sunshine are broken...due to this we have to struggle so many I request to you please donate some funds for our school, so that we can repair these all things....these all creates disturbance...
So I request to you please donate so funds for our school...
I hope u understand my feelings for our students...
Thanking you your faithful
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