English, asked by itspubgonly2019, 5 months ago

suresh has been akked to deliver a speech on a Brain Drain Problem. he has prepared the following notice use these notes together with your own ideas write a speech in 120 words.​


Answered by upenderjoshi28

                  Brain Drain Problem

Good morning everyone present; I am here to speak briefly on "Brain Drain Problem' that our country has been facing for many years.

Brain drain is one of the many problems India is trying to grapple with. Hundreds of skilled professionals are immigrating to advanced countries in Europe, U.K., Canada, America, Australia, New-Zealand, and UAE. Let’s see some of the pros and cons of this brain drain for the country.

Undoubtedly, this huge loss of skilled human resource affects the national development quite adversely. Thousands of skilled professionals such as engineers, IT professionals, doctors, scientists, accountants, managers, teachers, and general workers immigrate to the countries mentioned above for various reasons. If all those skilled professionals stayed back in India and contributed to her developmental process, the development would happen far faster than without them. India is working as a nursery for creating skilled professionals for the advanced countries of the world at the cost of her own interests. Sataya Nadella, Sundar Pichai, Indra Nooyi, Shantanu Narayan, etc. are some of the famous Indians who are leading the world renowned foreign companies. Imagine the chain of ripple effects of national development their expertise would cause if they stayed and worked in India!

Now let’s ponder over the causes that influence brain drain. Better life conditions, higher pay packages, better health facilities, transparency, better working environment, incentives are some of the causes that motivate the skilled professionals to immigrate to advanced countries mentioned above.  

On the other hand substandard living conditions, under-utilization of skilled and semi- skilled personnel; lack of adequate working conditions; poor management, low and corroding wages, discrimination in recruitments and promotions, corruption, general backwardness and instability, etc. are some of the factors that also compel skilled Indians to immigrate to advanced countries.

The Indian Government should look into these causes and must strive to create better work culture, facilities, and opportunities to skilled professionals in the country. The Government must aim at creating world class life-conditions, pay-packages, transparency, financial and health security, incentives, etc here in India.  

Answered by Anisha5119





Brain Drain in a country occurs when the country’s potent citizens who possess creativity and genius depart for other better countries abroad to get better working opportunities. This migration and departure of skilled individuals are known as Brain Drain. Brain Drain can be a vital loss to a nation because it loses its share of knowledgeable people, who could have otherwise contributed significantly to the nation’s economic and scientific achievements.

Brain Drain in a country occurs when the country’s potent citizens who possess creativity and genius depart for other better countries abroad to get better working opportunities. This migration and departure of skilled individuals are known as Brain Drain. Brain Drain can be a vital loss to a nation because it loses its share of knowledgeable people, who could have otherwise contributed significantly to the nation’s economic and scientific achievements.Brain Drain can extend over various degrees based on their nature. The common types of brain drain include – Organizational Brain Drain, geographical brain drain, and industrial brain drain. Geographical brain drain refers to the definition given above; it is the emigration of brilliant and skilled people from one geographical zone to another.

The amount of brain drain in India is enormous. There can be several factors that contribute to such a scenario. Firstly, India lacks in providing job opportunities. The rate of unemployment in the country is very high. As a result of this, bright students, after having completed their higher studies, aim to move abroad to avail better jobs and career opportunities.

The amount of brain drain in India is enormous. There can be several factors that contribute to such a scenario. Firstly, India lacks in providing job opportunities. The rate of unemployment in the country is very high. As a result of this, bright students, after having completed their higher studies, aim to move abroad to avail better jobs and career opportunities.

The amount of brain drain in India is enormous. There can be several factors that contribute to such a scenario. Firstly, India lacks in providing job opportunities. The rate of unemployment in the country is very high. As a result of this, bright students, after having completed their higher studies, aim to move abroad to avail better jobs and career opportunities. Furthermore, technological advancement in India is miserable; the country lacks modern scientific equipment. Such a miserable condition does not provide a perfect work environment. People tend to move to other advanced countries.

The amount of brain drain in India is enormous. There can be several factors that contribute to such a scenario. Firstly, India lacks in providing job opportunities. The rate of unemployment in the country is very high. As a result of this, bright students, after having completed their higher studies, aim to move abroad to avail better jobs and career opportunities. Furthermore, technological advancement in India is miserable; the country lacks modern scientific equipment. Such a miserable condition does not provide a perfect work environment. People tend to move to other advanced countries.Migrating abroad to first world countries not only allows one to have better career prospects, but they can also avail of a better standard of living, a better lifestyle, and better living facilities. They feel that their talent is being recognized and acknowledged deservedly abroad. India cannot offer such stability to its citizens. Hence, they move out.

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