English, asked by ayushvrm1, 1 year ago

suresh said to his friend,"i will certainly help you".(change into indirect speech)


Answered by Ranu2005
Hope u like it...Your answer is ......

Suresh adviced his friend that he will certainly help him...

If useful, plz mark as brainliest... If question, ask in comments...

Best Wishes Friend...!!

Ranu2005: plz amrk as brainliest
Ranu2005: mark as brainliest
Answered by tushargupta0691


Suresh adviced his friend that he would certainly help him.


  • When we use reported or indirect speech to communicate about the past, we frequently change the tense of the words we say.
  • We utilise reporting verbs such as'say,' 'tell,' and 'ask,' and we may begin the reported words with the word 'that.' Inverted commas are not permitted.
  • You mentioned having a headache the day before yesterday. "It's been raining since this afternoon," says the speaker directly.
  • He stated that it had been raining since that afternoon. "I haven't seen them since last week," says the speaker directly.

Direct Speech is the literal repetition of someone's words using a quotative frame. Indirect speech, on the other hand, is one that reports something stated or written by another person without using exact words.


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