Science, asked by kanwark552, 3 months ago

Surface and underground traverses have been run between two mine shafts A and B.

The co-ordinates of A and B is given by the underground traverse are 8560 N, 24860

W and 10451 N, 30624 W respectively. The surface traverse gave the co-ordinates of

B as 10320 N and 30415 W, those of A being as before. Assuming the surface

traverse to be correct, find the error in both bearing and distance of the line AB, as

given by the underground traverse?​


Answered by dasaviroop2012


When you're dealing with language and words, you end up with tens of thousands of classes to predict, one for each word. Trying to one-hot encode these words is massively inefficient, you'll have one element set to 1 and the other 50,000 set to 0. The word2vec algorithm finds much more efficient representations by finding vectors that represent the words. These vectors also contain semantic information about the words. Words that show up in similar contexts, such as "black", "white", and "red" will have vectors near each other. There are two architectures for implementing word2vec, CBOW (Continuous Bag-Of-Words) and Skip-gram.

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