suspense story in 100 words
the city to the village where my grandmother lived. We enjoyed the ride and each every moment is still cherished. Our ancestral house was situated a little away from the small town and each house stood in hectares of land unlike the ones we stayed in the city. Our village days began with early morning prayers. During the day Nandu and I along with the village children played a lot of “desi games” the ones which were found only in the villages, ate ghee sweets prepared by grandmother, enjoyed the milk from Nandini our cow, climbed trees, went hiking, etc. At night our grandmother made sure that we went early to bed.
We enjoyed each and every corner of the village. The village seemed to have something that the city lacked. But there was one such place that the elders prohibited us from visiting. And that was the little green house that stood in the corner of the lane. The house was quite pretty from outside. There was a beautiful garden with a path paved from the gate to the entrance of the house. Though the house looked quite old it looked beautiful. We kids wanted to explore the place. But we never ever were given a chance to. Stories revolved that the house was haunted by a lady who had been murdered. The ghost was seen by some elders in the village. The underlying mystery was unknown.