swachta about daily routine how we keep swachta I want big answer plzz help me in this I have to write 2 pages help me
Swachta means keeping our body, mind and everything around us clean. It is nothing but being clean or being kept clean. Swachta is called the first law of health. It is the way to stay healthy and lead life peacefully.
There is a popular line which says, "Cleanliness is next to godliness" which implies being clean is a sign of spiritual purity or goodness. When we believe in God then why not in being clean. Moreover we should not only take care of our personal cleanliness but also of our surroundings. Only then we can stay healthy.
Swachta plays a vital role in our daily lives. The main importance of Swachta is that it is a key to prevention and curing of all sort of disease affecting our environment and health.
Be it personal hygiene, such as washing our hands before we eat or covering our mouths when we are about to cough or setting a standard for environmental cleanliness, effective cleaning is our first line of defence against viruses and infectious disease. Not just this but by keeping our country clean we will earn a respectable place in the eyes of tourists visiting our country.
If we don't take proper measures the disease will spread rapidly and might prove to be fatal. Children will be exposed to hazardous disease. Also if our house is dirty, people inside it will feel anxious and stressed.
On the other hand, if we keep our surroundings clean it is proven that it can have an amazing impact on our mental and physical well-being. It reduces stress and depression, increase productivity and it is more likely to get a good night sleep. It can prevent allergies.
Hence it is necessary for each one of us to learn about Swachta and various diseases that are caused due to poor maintenance of our surroundings
In personal life we should....
1. Bath regularly
2.wash our hands before and after eating food.
3.Eat healthy food and drink clean water
4.cutting of nails
5.Brush and floss
Regarding our surroundings....
1. Clean up all messes
2. Say no to use of plastic
3. Keep a box of items that you no longer need
4. Plant trees
5. Don't pollute water bodies
7. Reuse and recycle
8. Keep a check on pollution.