swami managed to get the permission of the drill master.
frame a question to get the underlined word as an answer
underlined word= drill master
Swami nad to
participate in the cricket match against the Young Men's Union (YMU). The team's captain had instructed everyone to attend the practice session as they had to win the new team.
But Swami was always late for the practice session. He was warned by the captain. Swami could not go on time to the practice session because the drillmaster did not permit him.
Finally, he decided to lie to the master by telling him that he was ill, excused so he was and was asked to go home early and Swami attended the practice.
Swami had decided to get a certificate from the doctor for his illness and he thought by producing this certificate to the headmaster, he could attend the practice, but the doctor refused to give him as he was fit as a fiddle but he told him that he would speak to his schoolmaster instead, to allow him to go for the practice session. Thus, Swami attended cricket practice.