English, asked by bobbysingh2924, 10 months ago

Swami Vivekananda comparing love with selfishness


Answered by VK243232


Shakespeare says 'Love is not love

Which alters when its alternation finds'. He also goes on to say that it is an ever fixed mark. In a different context than in the manner this sonet was written, such love is nothing but an expansion. When you do not have such generous towards anything, anything that you have is selfishness. Any form of gesture that is self consuming or confined to you, is noyhing but selfishness and contracts your limits. I will explain this with the help of blopd circulation. There are 2 medical terms called vasodilation and vasoconstriction. Vasodilation in lay terms is nothing but widening of blood vessels in our body to enusre smooth blood flow within the body and vasoconstriction is narrowing of blood vessela thereby reducing the blood flow within. Vasoconstriction occurs when the muscular wall of the blood vessels narrows down in paricular the large arteries and small arterioles. And what do the arteries do? They carry blood from the heart to rest of the body. When this function is hurt, the blood circulation is impaured thereby increasing the blood pressure. This is just a fair idea of what haopens inside your body. Now vasodilation is a process of widening those contracted muscular walls thereby normalising the blood flow and in turn the blood pressure using certain medicines. Now human beings are warm blooded. Lets for a minute, compare love with vasodilators and selfishness with vasoconstriction. Love in any form or towards any being is a warm approach. And science proved it enough times. Now imagine this. In a state of selfishness which constricts your growth and alters your state of mind, imagine a wave of warm love expanding your horizons of self improvement and that of your surroundings. It only helps in you thrive.

I want to end this by quotong a real life incident which has given the world its finest football player. Cristiano Ronaldo and Albert Fantau played football for the same club when they were kids. A scout came to select kids and all they had to do was score the highest goals. Albert and Cristiano scored 1 each and when it was time for Albert to score the 3rd goal, he simply passed it on Cristiano. The rest, as they say is history. Cristiano went on to become a legend and Albert faded. Whether this is a true incident or a myth, no one confirms. But Albert abd Cristiano confirmed the story. Now lets imagine for a while, Albert scired tge 3rd one. There would have never been so many records, so many achievements and never a famous sportsperson called CR7. How Cristiano reciprocated comes under an act of gratitude. What Albert did was an act of selflessness and pure love for the game. He knew hus friend was a better player than him and had a better chance at this opportunity.

We have too many people to quote. Mother Teresa, Princess Diana, Rabindranath Tagore and many more. Their selfless act of love have unvieled humanity in an alltogether different manner which doesnt favour a certain creed, caste or race. Such love only expands warmth all over.

Answered by upenderjoshi28


    Swami Vivekananda comparing love with selfishness

Swami Vivekananda believed love as expansion and selfishness as contraction. Not only he, all great souls who guided the mankind towards everlasting happiness taught unconditional love. Jesus Christ, the messiah’s teaching is: ‘Love thy neighbor as thy own self.’ If the emotion of love were not so elevating, he would never have taught his followers to love one another.  

All great personages, philosophers, saints, and divine men and women have given the message of love. When we love unconditionally we expand ourselves. When we love others we actually acknowledge our own self in them. People who loved their fellow brethren and sisters have become immortal. Someone has very beautifully said:  

'It is in loving, not being loved

 The heart finds its quest;

It is in giving, not in getting

Our lives are blest.'

Love is a an elevating emotion, which lifts any man or woman to the level of an angel; man’s thoughts, feelings, actions, and words become very angelic in love. Any dialogue spoken under the spell of love is full of sweetness, divinity, care, and understanding.

Selfishness, on the other hand is the antithesis of love. A selfish man or woman always puts himself before others. He/she is always planning to grab things for himself or herself. Whenever a man or woman behaves selfishly, he or she contracts himself or herself. He cuts himself form others.  

Hence it is rightly said all love is expansion all selfishness is contraction.

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