'Swami went to school feeling that he was the worst perjurer on the earth .'Describe Swami's feeling at this point .Why did he feel like 'the worst perjurer.' (about 60-80 words)
Swami went to school feeling that he was the 'worst perjurer on earth
because he had given a very unfair description of samuel to his father .He couldn't decide how much of what he had said was imagined and how much was
real. The more he thought about of Samuel the more he become grieved for him.
Actually Samuel was not such a bad man after all.
Swami exaggerated account of Samuel's violence which led father to write a letter against Samuel. He felt that all the allegations written in letter were false. His conscience bothered him. In his opinion, Samuel was not that bad at all. In fact, He was genial than rest of the teacher and cracked jokes here and there. For all this disgrace, humiliation and Samuel's suffering, he would be responsible, he thought to himself. He felt like an executioner. His head was dizzy with all these thoughts. That is why, he considered himself the worst prejurer walking on earth.