symptoms of dengue
Answered by
Symptoms include high fever, headache, rash and muscle and joint pain. In severe cases there is serious bleeding and shock, which can be life threatening.
People may experience:
Pain areas: in the abdomen, back, back of the eyes, bones, joints, or muscles
Whole body: chills, fatigue, fever, or loss of appetite
Gastrointestinal: nausea or vomiting
Skin: rashes or red spots
Also common: easy bruising or headache
Answered by
- Mild symptoms of dengue can be confused with other illnesses that cause fever, aches and pains, or a rash.
- Graphic of human body showing most common symptom of dengue is fever with any of the following:
- eye pain,
- headache,
- muscle pain,
- rash,
- bone pain,
- nausea/vomiting,
- joint pain
- The most common symptom of dengue is fever with any of the following:
- Nausea,
- vomiting
- Rash
- Aches and pains (eye pain, typically behind the eyes, muscle, joint, or bone pain)
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