English, asked by ranveerdhanday, 1 month ago

t. How are the traitors see ors seen in the history 1. What message does the poem convey? lesson -you coward ! you coward !! ​


Answered by satamil0505


Sometimes I see lights — not a reflection of the sun or lights from an electrical source. They can look like free-floating balls of light. I have seen them flow into a room in which I am standing. Sometimes, the lights flash. Once, I saw a bright red light in front of me. Is there a spiritual significance to these lights? — LOIS IN LUNENBURG

DEAR LOIS: These free-floating lights are often referred to as orbs. Orbs are transparent balls, or globes, of light energy connected to spirits. Orbs are commonly found in photos but can be seen also with the naked eye, particularly around people or in highly energetic areas. These orbs can be a variety of shapes, sizes and colors.

The colors of orbs can mean different things to different people. Overall, I’ve seen that the colors of an orb seem to coincide with the energy system in the body called the chakras. Bright, pure orb colors indicate beautiful energy coming forth.

sorry I couldn't find your lesson and answer the questions.

Answered by strawberrypie022



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