English, asked by ashishkumar815313, 6 hours ago

Date: 05/06/2021
Subject CONST LAW - 1
LLB Semester-
Examinee Name
Class Roll No
(Unlv. Regn)
Examinee's Signature
the Constituent Assembly was 300
(a) MN ROY
Invigilator's Signature
1. Which of the following statements are true regarding the composition of the Center Assembly
A questions are mandatory to attempt with equal value
The representatives were to be elected from the tour constituents - Hindu. Musim Sikh & Catan (6) The total strength of
The charman of the Union Constituent Committee was Sardar Vallabha Patel
chamanship of DBR Ambedkar consisted of eght members
(d) The Drating Committee under the
2. The constitution of india was tamed by the constituent Assembly under
a) August One of 1040 ) Cripps proposal of 1942
Conference of 1945
(c) The Cabinet mission Plan of 1940 (0) The Shima
3. The idea of a Constituent Assembly was put forward for the first time by
4 The Indian federation is based on the patteam of
(b) Dr BR Ambedkar
(Dr Rajendra Prasad id) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Switzerland () USA Canada
(d) Rusia
6. Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly?
(a) Drummo Ambedka (h) Dr Rajendra Prasad (c) Jawaharlal Nehin
(d) Motlal Nehru
6. Who participates in the Presidential election?
(a) Bected members of both Houses of Parliament
Legislative Assembly
(b) Elected and nominated members of the State
(c) Members of all Union Territories
(d) All of the above
7. What qualifications should be to become a President?
(a) 35 years of age
() He should be eligible to be elected as a member of Rajya
(0) Must be an Indian citizen
(d) Only a and
8. Which article of Indian constitution envisages that there shall be an Attorney General of India?
(a) Article 78 (b) Article 76 (c) Article 67 (d) Article 113
9. Impeachment of the President can be initiated in...
(a) Only in Lok Sabha
(b) Only in Rajya Sabha (c) In either house of Parliament
Supreme Court
10 in one of a clash between the laws made by the centre and a state on a subject in the concurrent list
(a) the state in prevent (b) the central law prevals (both the laws preval within their respective jurisdictions
o the Supreme Court has to intervento decide
11. In one of a dash between the tours made by the centre and a state on a subject in the concurrent list
(a) the state prevails (o) the central tow previs (both the laws prova witrun their respective jundicions
the Supreme Court has to intervene to decide
12 Watch of the following subject is not included in the state ist?
(a) Law and order (b) National defence (c) Education (0) Agriculture
13. In India's federal system the state governments have the power to legislite on all those subjects which are included in the
al Union (0) Stats list (C) Concurrent) Residuary subjects
14 The Conton of India
(a) divided powers between centre and states in the lists (B) divided powers between centre and states in two lists.
(c) listed the powers of the states and left the undefined powers to the state
d) Specified the powers of the states and let the res duary powers with the centre
15 Which of the following government has two or thore levels?
Community Government (b) Coolidon Government (c) Federal Government (d) Unitary Goverment
16 Here are three reactions to the language policy followed in India Which of the following holds true in the case of India?
(a) The policy of accommodation as strengthened national unity
) Language used as have divided us by making everyone conscious of their language
The language policy has oriy hoped to consolidate the dominance of English over all other languages
17 Connie the following statements on the practice of tederalism in India. Identify those which had true for decentralization after
(a) Local governments did not have any power or resources of their own
b) It became constitutional mandatory to hold regular elections to local government bodies
c) The state governments are required to share some powers and revenue with local government bodies
(d) No seats are neserved in the elected bodies for scheduled castes, schartuled inbes and other backward desses
(A) banda () and C) and a (D)band d
18. A law made by Parliament having extra territorial operation shall
(a) not be deemed invalid
(b) be deemed valid (c)
be deemed ultra virus (d) be deemed
39. The Parliament has no power to make law on
(a) duties of excise on opium (b) taxes on capital value of agricultural and
(c) taxes on advertisements published in newspapers d. trust and trustees
20. Which one of the following doctrines relates to the interpretation of the legislative conflicts between the Union
and the States?
(a) Doctrine of clear and present danger
(1) Precautionary approach (c) Stare devises
Pith and Substance​


Answered by sameer6073




make me brainlist

Answered by Sdivyadarshan


sorry we don't have the answer for you

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