India Languages, asked by Anonymous, 6 months ago

तुमच्या विभागात होणाऱ्या अनियमित वीजपुरवठा यावर मा.अधिकारी , वीज पुरवठा केंद्र , कल्याण डोंबिवली महानगर पालिका ,४२१२०१ यांना तक्रार पत्र लिहा .

please give correct answer
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Answered by 2105rajraunit

7 जी, सोनिया अपार्टमेंट्स,

इंद्रधनुष्य वसाहत,

एम.जी. रस्ता,

माहीम €,

मुंबई: - 400 016.

28 फेब्रुवारी, 2020


माननीय अधिकारी,

वीजपुरवठा केंद्र,

कल्याण डोंबिवली महानगरपालिका, 421201

विषय: अनियमित वीज पुरवठ्याबाबत तक्रार पत्र

आदरणीय सर,

आम्ही आमच्या भागात राहणारी संपूर्णपणे पाचशे कुटुंबे आहोत. आम्हाला आमच्या भागात मागील तीन महिन्यांपासून वीज अपयशी होण्याच्या तीव्र समस्येचा सामना करावा लागत आहे.

आमच्या भागात असे बरेच विद्यार्थी आहेत जे त्यांच्या आगामी बोर्ड परीक्षा तसेच इतर अंतिम परीक्षेची तयारी करत आहेत. परंतु, विद्युत पुरवठ्यातील ही अनियमितता त्यांच्या तयारीत अडथळे आणत आहे. सर, आपणास हे देखील माहित आहे की, या वर्षी उन्हाळा खूपच तंदुरुस्त आहे ज्यामुळे वृद्धांना समस्या सामोरे जाणे फार कठीण आहे. सध्याच्या पुरवठ्याच्या समस्येमुळे आपल्या परिसरातील काही इतर बेकायदेशीर क्रिया देखील होतात.

आम्ही आमच्या स्थानिक अधिकार्‍यांना यापूर्वीही बर्‍याच तक्रारी दिल्या आहेत. ते नेहमी आम्हाला रिक्त आश्वासने देत असतात आणि काहीही करत नाहीत. म्हणून कृपया आपणास विनंति आहे की आपण या प्रकरणात वैयक्तिकरित्या लक्ष द्या. जर तुम्ही आवश्यक गोष्ट केली तर मी तुमचे आभारी आहे.

आपला आभारी,

तुमचा विश्वासू


I hope that it will be helpful to you.

Answered by aahana4968

War began when Pakistan's air force bombed Indian bases on December 3; Indira recognized the independence of Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan) on December 6. On December 9, Nixon directed a U.S. fleet to head for Indian waters — but then Pakistan surrendered on December 16.

The war's conclusion was a triumph for India and Indira (and, of course, for Bangladesh). After the conflict had ended, Indira declared in an interview, "I am not a person to be pressured — by anybody or any nation."

Millions were sterilized when she declared a state of emergency

In June 1975, Indira was found guilty of electoral malpractice. When rivals began advocating for her removal as prime minister, she opted to declare a state of emergency. Emergency rule would be a dark moment for India's democracy, with opponents imprisoned and press freedoms limited. Perhaps most shockingly, millions of people were sterilized — some against their will — during this period.

At the time, population control was seen as necessary in order for India to prosper (Indira's favored son and confidant, Sanjay, became particularly focused on reducing the birth rate). During the Emergency, the government directed its energies toward sterilization, with a focus on the simpler procedure of vasectomies. To encourage men to undergo the operation, incentives such as cooking oil and cash were offered.

Then government workers began to be required to meet sterilization quotas to get paid. Reports came out that vasectomies had been performed on boys, and that men were being arrested, then sent to be sterilized. Some began sleeping in fields so as to avoid sterilization teams. According to a 1977 article in TIME magazine, between April 1976 and January 1977, 7.8 million were sterilized (the initial target had been 4.3 million).

At the beginning of 1977, Indira called for elections, ending her Emergency rule. She'd expected to win this vote, but the fear and worries brought on by the sterilization policy contributed to her defeat at the polls, and she was kicked out of office.

She clashed with her daughter-in-law

In 1982, a disagreement between Indira and daughter-in-law Maneka led to a showdown. Practically from the moment Maneka wed Sanjay and entered Indira's household, the younger woman didn't fit in. After Sanjay died in 1980 (he was killed in a plane crash), tensions rose further. Things came to a head when Maneka defied Indira to attend a rally of Sanjay's former political allies (which didn't help the political interests of Rajiv, Sanjay's brother).

As punishment, Indira ordered Maneka to leave her house. In return, Maneka made sure the press captured her bags being unceremoniously left outside. Maneka also publicly decried her treatment, stating, "I have not done anything to merit being thrown out. I don't understand why I am being attacked and held personally responsible. I am more loyal to my mother-in-law than even to my mother."

Though the prime minister got Maneka to move out, she paid a price as well: Maneka took her son, Varun, with her, and being separated from a beloved grandson was a blow for Indira.

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