तीन अंको की छोटी से छोटी संख्या बताओ जो 4, 8 ,16 से पूरी पूरी बट जाय?
तीन अंको की छोटी से छोटी संख्या 24 हैं जो 4, 8 ,16 से पूरी पूरी बट
Step-by-step explanation:
Step : 1
बह दोवी सी देरी संख्या है जिसमें 28 औौ 32 से भाग देने पर शेषफल क्रमरशः 8 और 12 बचता है।
Step : 2 तीन अंकों की सबसे छोटी संख्या, जो कि 100 है, में 900 जोड़ना आवश्यक है, जिससे चार अंकों की सबसे छोटी संख्या 1000 हो जाए।छह अंकों की सबसे छोटी संख्या जो 4, 8, 12 और 16 से पूर्णतः विभाजित हो जाती है, 100032 है।सबसे छोटी 4-अंकीय संख्या, जो 3, 4, 5 और 6 से पूर्णतया विभाज्य है। ∴ उत्तर 1022 है।आठ अंक का सबसे बड़ी संख्या 99999999 होता है । और एक अंक का सबसे बड़ी संख्या 9 और सबसे छोटी संख्या 1 होता है।सात अंको की सबसे बड़ी संख्या 9999999 है। =9999999! is the write answer of this question. ये तो आपने बहुत ही आसान सा सवाल पूछा है।
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An Essay on Road Safety :
Road safety is currently one of the most pressing issues affecting global public health. Every year, road accidents result in the deaths of millions of people, and the clock is always ticking. If the world is to achieve its goals of sustainable development, prosperity, and growth, road safety cannot be undermined.
The problem affects pedestrians, motorists, motorcyclists, and other road users alike, as well as unauthorized roadside vendors and other encroachers. "Road Safety" and staying safe on the road are essential to an individual's and the nation's happiness, health, and prosperity.
The safety of road users is referred to as "road safety" When using the road, there are clearly defined rules and procedures that must be followed to stay safe. To guarantee the safety of every road user, these "road safety rules" have been established by the respective governments. Road safety measures include footpaths, security cameras, dividers, traffic signals, and sign boards.
Global statistics on road safety show significant variations depending on a nation's population, economy, and level of public awareness. Through a vast network of roads and safety measures, developed nations improve road safety significantly. According to statistics, road accidents result in approximately 1.5 million deaths annually worldwide; over 90% of which take place in developing and underdeveloped nations. The vulnerable road users that make up more than half of the figure include cyclists, motorcyclists, and pedestrians.
More children and adolescents die as a result of apathy toward road safety than from any other cause. That's not all: between 20 and 50 million people sustain nonfatal injuries, most of which leave them permanently disabled.
The importance of road safety cannot be overstated if the goals of sustainable development are to be accomplished. A fatal road accident traumatizes not only the victim but also their loved ones and dependents. However, road accidents account for 3% of a nation's GDP in the majority of countries.
A road accident puts a strain not only on the victim's financial resources but also on the nation's; in addition to the emotional trauma that the dependents experience.
The following are some of the main causes of accidents on the road:
1) A road is used by a variety of users, including motorists, cyclists, pedestrians, and motorcyclists. An unruly driver puts his own life in danger as well as the lives of others. Drivers who routinely or unintentionally skip signals run the risk of seriously injuring or killing pedestrians and other motorists.
2) Lack of driving experience is a leading cause of children's and young people's deaths between the ages of 15 and 25. Under the law, licenses are given to children under the legal age limit in developing and underdeveloped nations. These adolescent and unlicensed drivers are typically unruly and put themselves and others at risk. Teens often drive too fast and break traffic laws just for the fun of it and to get attention. Any driver who is under the age of 21 should be reported to the authorities.
3) This kills millions of people worldwide. Countries with low or middle incomes suffer the most. A drunk driver's behaviour and judgment are affected by alcohol. On the road, a drunk driver tends to be more disruptive and out of control. Overall, alcohol weakens the necessary driving skills, putting lives at risk on the road. Even a pedestrian who is intoxicated poses a risk to himself and others. To make the roads safer, strict laws and a zero-tolerance policy against drunk driving should be implemented.
4) Avoiding Safety gear in the absence of a helmet and safety belts is the leading cause of fatalities in car accidents. Even though it could mean the difference between life and death, people either routinely or intentionally avoid wearing safety gear. The use of safety gear and its significance in saving lives must be made more widely known. Drivers who don't wear safety gear should be punished severely and made to wear them as a requirement. Inadequate Infrastructure is a major threat to road safety and is a frequent cause of road accidents. Some of the infrastructure deficiencies that contribute to road accidents include unfinished roads, roadside construction, unfinished pavements, and the absence of foot-over bridges.
The issue of road safety is a global public health concern, and relevant authorities must ensure its implementation. To guarantee and enhance road safety, respective governments must implement necessary policy and administrative measures. To guarantee safety, roads should have better infrastructure and adequate lighting. Above all else, we need to be concerned about how we use the road and how safe we are.
"Drive safe to be safe."