टेंपरेचर of a place depends on it's latitude.give reason
Altitude is the height you are above sea level. The higher up you are the lower the temperature will be. This is because air that is higher up is less dense than it is at lower altitudes and air temperature depends on its density. As a general rule for every 1,000m higher you go the temperature will drop by 6.5 °C.
Yes, latitude is also one of the factor affecting temperature of a place
Since Latitude is the measurement of the distance of a location on the Earth from the equator, The further away from the equator that you are the less sunlight that this location receives & the cooler it becomes. In simple words When the latitude increases, the distant from the sun also increases, so the temperature gradually decreases.
Other factors affecting temperature:
- Altitude
- distance from sea
- Ocean Currents, etc