Table on crops growing in different areas
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1. Rice
Soil: Deep clayey and loamy soil
2. Wheat
Soil: Well-drained fertile loamy and clayey loamy
3. Millets
Soil: They are less sensitive to soil deficiencies. They can be grown in inferior alluvial or loamy soil
4. Grams
Soil: Loamy Soil
5. Sugar Cane
Soil: Deep rich loamy soil
6. Cotton
Soil: Black soil of Deccan and Malwa Plateau. However, it also grows well in alluvial soils of the Sutlej-Ganga plain and red and laterite soils of the peninsular region
7. Oilseeds
Soil: Well drained light sandy loams, red, yellow and black soils are well suited for its cultivation.
8. Tea
Soil: Well drained, deep friable loamy soil.
9. Coffee
Soil: Well drained, deep friable loamy soil
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