Tabulate and report the following chemicals of blue and red litmus phenophthalene and methyl orange indecators
Litmus: Litmus is extracted from Lichens. Lichen is a composite organism. Lichens consist of fungi and algae living in symbiotic relationship.
Litmus is a purple coloured liquid in distilled water. Litmus comes in the form of strips of two colours. One is called blue litmus paper and another is called red litmus paper. Litmus liquid and litmus paper are used to detect the acidic or basic nature of a substance.
Colour of litmus paper in acid: Blue litmus paper turns into red when dipped in acidic solution.
Colour of litmus paper in base: Red litmus paper turns into blue when dipped in basic solution.
Indicator Original colour Acid Base
Red litmus Red No change Blue
Blue litmus Blue Red No change
Turmeric Yellow No change Reddish brown
Red cabbage juice Purple Reddish Greenish yellow
Phenolphthalein Colourless Colourless Pink
Methyl orange Orange Red Yellow
Onion n/a No change Smell vanishes
Vanilla n/a No change Smell vanishes