Tabulate the differences in the characteristics of states of matter.
S.No Property Solid
1. Shape They have a definite shape
2. Volume They have a definite volume
3. Density They have high-density
4. The kinetic energy of particles
The three states of matter are Solid, Liquid, Gas
• A solid has definite shape and volume.
• It is very hard to compress.
• Atoms are tightly packed.
• It will have less tendency to flow.
• A liquid has definite volume but it has no. definite shape it takes the shape of the container.
• It is hard to compress.
• Atoms are packed in medium intervals.
• It has tendency to flow.
• A Gas doesn't have definite volume or shape.
• It is easily compressed.
• Atoms are packed loosely.
• It has a higher tendency to flow.
You can write it in Tables. Sorry for the inconvenience.