Art, asked by devyadv6726, 11 months ago

Tabulate three roles each of men and women and evaluate whether they have changed over time .


Answered by akankshasaha0803


Gender roles for women:

1. Handle the household chores.

2. Raising kids.

3. Leisure time to be spent with family.

Gender roles for men:

1. Earn money to run the household.

2. Handle financial and property matters.

3. Leisure can be spent partying with friends.

As more women step out of the house to work and with the growing popularity of nuclear family set-up, the gender roles are beginning to change.

Gender roles for women:

1. Handling household chores- is no longer only the woman’s responsibility. The younger generation has started dividing the work. Many men take interest in cooking and even supervise maids.

2. Raising kids- While this responsibility continues to be in women’s domain, men are increasingly wanting to spend more time with their children. As a result, families go out, to dinners and on vacations more often than they used to.

3. Leisure time for women has changed quite a lot. Despite having children, women are able to step out, to meet friends. The concept of giving space has become important.

Gender roles for men:

1. Earning money- This is no longer exclusively a man’s domain. In many households, women draw equal salaries, if not more. So women’s contribution in this area has undergone a huge change.

2. Financial and property matters are now dealt with by both men and women. In fact, with new laws regarding inheritance in place, women are also entitled to a share of their father’s property. Further, there are tax discounts if a property is bought in a woman’s name. These governmental policies have made women take an active part in property and hence financial discussions.

3. The leisure time continues to be spent with friends though family is not neglected either.

As the social factors change the economic balance in households, the gender roles will also undergo changes. It is therefore safe to say that gender roles will always be in a state of flux.  

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