• Take a bar magnet and place it on a table.
Place a thick white paper over it (White
drawing sheet).
• On the paper, sprinkle fine powder of iron
(iron filings) as shown in the fig -4.
• Tab the table or the paper gently with
• What do you observe? Do you find any
pattern of iron filings there?
• Rotate the magnet in different
directions and do the same. How has
the pattern changed?
You can see that in a small space
around the magnet, iron filings set
themselves in a pattern because they are
affected by the magnetic force of the field
created by the bar magnet. The pattern
represents the magnetic field. The space
around the magnet where its influence can
be detected is called the magnetic field.
This field is three dimensional. Question : explain the experime ntal procedure to understand the magnetic field? please answer me please
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during the magnetic field north pole to it is various different types of a poles
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it turns to North Pole it is in our text book
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