Take a big shining spoon try to observe your face on it's convex surface (bulging)
(A). 1. Do you see the image?
2. Is it big Or small?
3. Note the distance between your face and spoon in centimeter.
(B). a. Take the spoon away from your face slowly. Does the image get inverted ? If yes again measure and write the distance between spoon and face in centimeter .
☄. If no state the reason for state..
A 1. yes it is inverted
2. big
3. same
B a. 6 cm
A). yes you will see the image on the spoon.
that image is virtual and erect and small in size the distance between the mirror and faces 14cm it can be different for the different spoons.
this is because the back side of the spoon act as a convex mirror and that make always a virtual image.
B). no no the image will not get inverted if we take away from the face.
now the distance between the face and the mirror is 32 CM
as it is mentioned above the bulging part of the spoon act as a convex mirror and if you face any object in front of the Congress mirror irrespective of the distance of the object from the mirror always forms a virtual and erect image of date object.