English, asked by robiterang1913, 6 months ago

Take a look around your house and the surrounding, make a list of 20 things which are made of different mineral look carefully even your tooth paste has minerals in it




As you look around your home, it is important to think of the many things that you

have and what are they made from. It’s simple - everything is made from Earth’s natural

resources: rocks, soil, plants, animals, and water. They can be used in their natural state,

or processed, refined and manufactured by people into other useable things.

The resources that grow and can be replaced when they die or are harvested, like plants

and animals, are called renewable resources. Those that cannot be regrown and replaced,

like rocks, soil and water, are called non-renewable resources. All natural resources are

valuable and we must use them conservatively.

Mineral resources are natural Earth materials that must be

mined from the ground. We use them every day, and they are non-

renewable. Some are changed very little before they are used,

like the rock granite for example, that is commonly used to make

kitchen countertops or tombstones. Other mineral resources,

like those that contain useful metals, must be processed to

extract the metal ingredient. The metal is then manufactured

into different parts of a product, like a toaster or a smartphone.

Whether you are practicing violin in your room, eating a meal

in the kitchen, watching TV in the living room or brushing your

teeth in the bathroom, your daily activities use things that come

from mineral resources.

It is pretty easy to tell which items in your home are made from mineral resources.

Everything that is not made of wood or other plant materials, like paper or bamboo, or is

not grown on a plantation, or on a farm, like lettuce or beef, comes from mineral resources.

If it can’t be grown, it has to be mined.

Things in your home that are made with metallic mineral resources are easy to

recognize. They are commonly shiny and look like metal (unless they are painted), are

hard (unless they are very thin) and are generally heavy for their size. The door on your

refrigerator, the frame of your bike, the cutlery in your kitchen are all good examples.

Parts of many household items are also made of metal, like the plug for the vacuum,

the hinge on the front door, and the buckle on your pet’s collar. The

most common household metals are copper and aluminum. The most

common household metal alloys, that are made of two or more metals,

are brass (copper + zinc) and steel (iron + carbon + other elements).

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