Science, asked by shikhar676, 5 months ago

Take a plastic mug Drill two holes at its
base and fit rubber stoppers in these holes,
Oxygen ,
Insert carbon electrodes in these rubber
stoppere as shown in Fig. 1.6.
Test tube
- Conneet these eleetrodes to a 6 volt
Graphite rod
# Fill the mug with water such that the
clectrodes are immerned. Add a few drops
of dilute sulphuric acid to the water,
Take two test tubes filled with water and
Invert them over the two carbon electrodes.
* Switch on the current and leave the
apparatus undisturbed for some time,
# You will observe the formation of bubbles
at both the electrodes. These bubbles displace water in the
test tuben.
Is the volume of the gas collected the same in both the test tubes?
Once the teet tubes are filled with the respective gases, remove
them carefully,
Test these gases one by one by bringing a burning candle close
to the mouth of the test tubes,
CAUTION: This step must be performed carefully by the teacher,
What happens in each case?
Which gas is present in each test tube?​


Answered by Galaxyblue


The gases formed are oxygen and hydrogen.


Hydrogen is formed on the cathode and Oxygen is formed on Anode. This happens because of decomposition of water (H20) by electricity. The ratio is 2:1.

please mark as brainliest.

Answered by harshsuts016

Concept: Electrolysis of water.
•No, volume of gas in both the test tubes is not the same.
Equation of reaction of electrolysis of water:
2 H2O(l) → 2 H2(g) + O2(g)
•The volume of gas in one test tube is twice that of the gas in the other i.e 2:1
•Hydrogen is evolved at cathode whereas Oxygen is evolved at anode.
Hence, the two gases present in each test tube are hydrogen and oxygen.


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