English, asked by Yashagarwal0765, 10 months ago

Take any season create short story on beauty of nature......​


Answered by Yaminii2006

Nature The word nature is a commonly used word.

This word is used in a variety of contexts. Perhaps the most important reference is the multiple species of plants, animals, wildlife, and all that the earth contains from topography such as mountains, valleys, beaches, and seas. , And forests. The beauty of nature The nature of man is characterized by its beauty resulting mainly from the wonderful diversity of living organisms that exist in various parts of the earth, as well as the unique terrain of mountains, water, plateaus and forests. Each of these features is distinguished by a special beauty that distinguishes it from Other terrain, and this great diversity gave people wide spaces to seek calm, tranquility, and tranquility.


Man by nature is a creature eager to taste beauty, and there is nothing more beautiful than nature.

The manifestations of the beauty of nature for the beauty of nature are many manifestations.

Wherever a person turns his face he will inevitably find a manifestation of these appearances.

Perhaps the most striking of these is the unique diversity in the colors around us, which created a wonderful natural painting. Other manifestations include variations in sizes, shapes, even among the creatures of the same species.

On the other hand, one of the greatest manifestations of nature's beauty is the beautiful smells of certain creatures, such as flowers, flowers, and certain kinds of fruits, especially citrus, Which is accompanied by seasons and certain times; like the smell of the earth after the rain.


The beauty of nature around us The beauty of nature around us is one of the greatest blessings of God on us.

This beauty allows us to choose places and many destinations for the sake of rest, recreation and the best of times.

The beauty of nature has always been the first inspiration for artists and creators around the world, This is evidenced by the vast number of works of art, poetry and music that have attracted people around the world, and which revolve around the beauty and charm of nature.


The beauty of nature is an important source of income for many countries of the world, natural places are a tourist attraction that helps countries to improve their economic level, and thus emerged many of the areas that are famous for their natural beauty unspeakable, the most prominent of these areas: the Amazon River , The Dead Sea, the Jeita Grotto, Mount Teppel, the Puerto Princesa River, the Iguazu Falls, and others. A global competition to select the seven natural wonders has been held, and perhaps the most notable achievement of this list is the global spotlight on some areas that have not been so popular, thus contributing to a greater number of visitors than ever before.

Answered by kumarranjanratnesh


It is dawn on a beautiful summer’s day. I awoke and glanced outside an old, timber framed window with splintered, dilapidated white paint. I scanned the giant, slightly burnt oak tree settled on a luscious, grassy hill. I also watched the spectacular sight of the sun rising to brighten the earth and how it made me feel more in sync with nature and all it has to offer.

It is now 12:45pm. I’d just finished walking my dog and I felt absolutely parched and famished. It was still worthwhile because the view was astonishing. Lucky I took my camera otherwise I wouldn’t have captured some great shots of a bare tree, a gorgeous horizon and a road scattered with tarnished leaves. What a striking autumn.

It's now afternoon of that, frosty time of the year. Winter. Just the thought of that single word sends shivers up my spine everytime or maybe it was the feel of the strong and sudden winter breeze rush past , shaking a thin layer of snow to fall off a nearby roof and hit the the paved sidewalk (almost hitting a little boy,) with an echoing "THUMP" that travelled down the shallow ,empty gravel road What I like best of all about this happy,joyful season is the way the weather changes nature itself.For example, SNOW, when a thick,delicate proportion of fresh snow is smothered amongst branches of a perfectly bare tree because of the season before, the whole trees appearence seems to change and form a more elegant, smooth look instead of a jagged, straight, meaningless embodiment/structure. This process makes everything you see so much more worth it.

It's the end of the season as I lay in bed with my head spinning and jam-packed with thoughts, memories, hopes and lots of other wonderful things. One of them being what happened this Spring such as waking up to hear the harmonial lullaby of the gorgeous blue-birds, seeing all the cute little species of fauna scurranging through the thin blades of grass, the exotic scent of a nearby field of elegant flowers, that when blooms become those pesty honey bees crops, which they harvest to make a scrumptious,sticky substance we call honey and also when they bloom add a colourful, angelic touch to the already brightly shaded lime-green grass. As I abruptly dozed off to the soothing sound of rain pelting down on the ugly,brown guttering I imediatley began to dream ......

"What a wonderful year i recall having" I thought aloud. The view was exhilaratingly facsinating and charming plus I learnt alot too. What a benifit !! I gained a significant amount of knoledge this year of course, but the best thing i gained overall was a proper understanding of the true beauty of nature with in.

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