English, asked by Anonymous, 1 month ago

take pts stay happy

what is photosynthesis ??

what are conjunction ??​


Answered by monikathakur456jdgf


the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize nutrients from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a by-product.

Answered by singhk61687


photosynthesis ..

answer the process by which green plants turn carbon dioxide and water into food using energy from sunlight

सूर्य के प्रकाश से हरे पौधों द्वारा कार्बन डाइ-ऑक्‍साइड और जल को भोजन का रूप देने की प्रक्रिया; प्रकाश-संश्‍लेषण; फ़ोटोसिंथीसिस


conhunction answer a word that is used for joining other words, phrases or sentences

शब्दों, वाक्यों, वाक्यांशों को जोड़नेवाला शब्द; संयोजक शब्‍द, समुच्‍चयबोधक शब्‍द

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