English, asked by Swarup1998, 10 months ago

Take your time and solve the questions in the attachment. Thank you! :)



Answered by CaptainBrainly
A ) Para - 1 : Dependence of modern man on tress.

para - 2 : Danger of the destruction of trees.

Para - 3 : We can still improve the situation.

B )

1) Wood is used in building houses, railway slippers, train compartments, bullock - carts , boats, ships, ploughs, paper and many other things.

2) We can save trees by meeting rural demand of rural fire wood, check soil erosion, making unproductive into productive and making tree consiousness in rural people.

3) People who live in cities and towns do not think that they do not think that they have connection with forests. This is the fact due to the forests are far from the towns and cities.

4) people in village get fire wood from forests.

5) People in cities are dependent on forest for timber which is nothing but wood is used in building houses, railway slippers, train compartments, bullock - carts , boats, ships, ploughs, paper and many other things.

C) Title : Trees our friends.


1) Scarcity of fire wood.
2) Eroded soil.
3) made fertile land unproductive.


1) railwayslippers.
2) train - compartments.


1) Connection
2) rural
3) shortage
4) productive


1) Connection - Attachment
2) shortage - scarcity
3) rural - of the village
4) productive - fertile.
Answered by Rose08


Here's your answer ⤵⤵⤵⤵⤵

[A]Match each headings with its appropriate paragraph. Put the numbers in the box on the right. There is an extra heading. Put a (❌) against that.

[1] We can still improve the situation= 3

[2] A tree planting object= ❌

[3] Dependence of modern man on forests= 1

[4] Danger of the destruction of trees= 2


[B] Answer in brief

[1] Why is wood so important to modern man?

= In these days, woods are really important to modern man as the timber is used in building houses, paper, furniture, railwaysilppers,boats, ships, ploughs etc. are very essential for human use.

[2] How can we save trees?

= The first step to save trees is to stop deforestation and encourage afforestation.
We can also meet rural demand for fire-wood, check soil erosion, taking measures to make unproductive land productive and by creating awareness of saving trees among people.

[3] Why do people in towns and cities think they have no connection with forests?

= People in towns and cities think they have no connection with forests because they live at a distance from forests.

[4] Where do the village-people get fire wood from?

= The village people get fire wood by the cutting of trees.

[5] In which way city people dependent on forests?

= The city's people are dependent on forests as the timber used in building houses, railwaysilppers, boats, ships, ploughs etc. comes from trees.


[C]Suggest a suitable title for the above text

Saving trees.


[D] Indiscriminate cutting of trees created three problems.Write them in space

1] As the destruction of forests has increased with the increasing population, the environment is being polluted because from trees, we get life giving air- oxygen.

2] It results in soil erosion, water erosion and air erosion as a result floods, droughts are increasing.

3] Due to deforestation, wildlife is disappearing leading to extinction of various species.


[E] From the first paragraph find out two nominal compounds. Write them in the space below:

1] Bullock-carts

2] Train-compartments


[F] Find out words from the text and fill in the blanks with the following sentences. The first letter of each word is given.

[1] Robert had no (c) connection with his mother.

[2] Agriculture is the base of (r) rural economy.

[3] The army suffered from (s) scarcity of food and arms.

[4] The land of West Bengal is (p) productive enough.


[G] Choose the appropriate meaning from the list given below:

[1] Connection= Attachment

[2] Shortage= Scarcity

[3] Rural= of the village

[4] Productive= Fertile


Swarup1998: Not a problem. Thanks for trying to the fullest. ☺
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