English, asked by zakirmokashi26, 9 months ago

Youth Welfare club is organizing a talent contest in singing for students between ages of
11 - 15 years on Friday, 20 November 2020 at YMCA centre.
For further details and registration, contact -
The Secretary
Youth Welfare Club- Cultural Dept.
12. Cross Lane, Pune 411001​


Answered by khushpreet50

As we learn in the text, the first Brandt Report raised the above mentioned question about the deteriorating condition of the planet. Earth is like a “patient in declining health”. The depletion of forests, grasslands, fisheries and croplands are the result of excessive demand for resources. Over-population has led to a severe strain on the health of our planet. We must realize soon that in this “Era of Responsibility” it is solely our duty to preserve our planet. We must realize that the earth belongs as much to the future generation as much to us. Rather making it our property, we should do our best to preserve it for the generations we have “borrowed it from"

Answered by SoubhagyaRay


See the first answer ☝️☝️

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