Talking about Calcutta.
Some Cal trivia :
1. Which two Oscar winning/nominated Hollywood actresses started their career as stage Actors in the Drama Theaters of Old Calcutta?
2. Which Sports Celebrity captained West Bengal in both Soccer and Cricket ?
3. Which World Renowned Pop Singer started his career as a Hotel Singer in Madras and Calcutta ?
4. Which famous Bollywood Actor was once a clerk in a private firm in Calcutta, and a part-time English Language stage actor in Calcutta ?
5. Which Inventor of the World’s finest Profession Hi-Fi Audio Equipment, is the son of a Freedom fighter from Bengal ??
6. Which popular Singer-songwriter of Sweden, learnt to play the guitar in street corners addas (hang outs) of Calcutta ?
7. Which singing sensation of the sixties in London grew up Kurseong (West Bengal), as the son of a school teacher?
8. Which rising Radio Broadcaster from Canada, in the 1950s,, gave up his attractive broadcasting career to become a missionary in Calcutta
9. Which Scientist from Bengal, was Knighted in England in 1917, for his pioneering and path-breaking research in radio transmissions, optics, microwaves and plant science ? (In fact, his unpatented research discoveries, led to the invention of several modern applications in these fields - and still continue to do so
10. Who was the first Indian Footballer to play Professional 1st Division Football in Britain ?
11. Which Singer-guitarist who performed in the Trinca’s Restaurant Park Street in the 60s, went on to compose one of the world’s biggest Pop Hits of the 70s ? (Later he would go on to compose more pop hits).
12. Which Olympic Athletic Medalist, and Early Hollywood Actor was born and brought up in Calcutta ?
13. Which Bengali Film, produced by the West Bengal Goverment on a shoe-string budget, went on to win awards and accolades the world over, and was instrumental, years later, in winning for it’s Director, an Honorary Oscar ?
14. Which Trade union Leader hailing from Bengal, was hosted as a guest by both Adolf Hitler and the Japanese authorities during the 2nd World War ?
Talking about Calcutta.
Some Cal trivia :
1. Which two Oscar winning/nominated Hollywood actresses started their career as stage Actors in the Drama Theaters of Old Calcutta?
2. Which Sports Celebrity captained West Bengal in both Soccer and Cricket ?
Talking about Calcutta.
Some Cal trivia :
1. Which two Oscar winning/nominated Hollywood actresses started their career as stage Actors in the Drama Theaters of Old Calcutta?
2. Which Sports Celebrity captained West Bengal in both Soccer and Cricket ?
Talking about Calcutta.
Some Cal trivia :
1. Which two Oscar winning/nominated Hollywood actresses started their career as stage Actors in the Drama Theaters of Old Calcutta?
2. Which Sports Celebrity captained West Bengal in both Soccer and Cricket ?