English, asked by s1891snigdha8491, 4 months ago

Task 1 You will hear five short extracts of people talking about technology in schools. Read the statements and match each statement to each speaker. There are two statements you do not need.You will hear the recording twice. (5 Marks)
Speaker A Speaker B Speaker C Speaker D Speaker E
Older, conventional teaching methods will always be the most relevant.
The fast-pacing world is making everyone techno-savvy.
Schools have finally caught up with the digital era
The age of technology is the age of few handwritten tasks.
Students in schools demand technology to keep themselves updated.
Technology in schools needs to have some sensible limits.
Today’s children are more healthy in mind than body.
Older, conventional teaching methods will always be the most relevant.
The fast-pacing world is making everyone techno-savvy.
Schools have finally caught up with the digital era
The age of technology is the age of few handwritten tasks.
Students in schools demand technology to keep themselves updated.
Technology in schools needs to have some sensible limits.
Today’s children are more healthy in mind than body.
TASK 2 You will hear three people talking about homework. Read the sentences given, then listen to the conversation and choose the correct option for each sentence. You will hear the recording twice. ( 6 marks) (1 ) Academic studies have shown that homework:
a) Does not help children in primary classes.
b) Does not help older children.
c) Does not have academic value.
(2) Parents who help their children with homework:
a) Must take control of it completely.
b) Must only guide them with it
c) Must be involved all the way through
(3) Homework has value for younger children only because:
a) It teaches them how to complete tasks.
b) It helps them do well in their academic work.
c) It helps them work independently.
(4) The female speaker thinks the book is important because:
a) It makes us look at homework in a new way
b) It looks closely at how parents are involved with homework
c) It proves that homework is an add-on
5 The first male speaker says that teachers should plan homework:
a) After they plan their lesson
b) Before they plan their lesson
c) While they plan their lesson
6 According to the second male speaker, we need to see homework as an activity:
a) That we do alone
b) That we do with others.
c) That we do at home.
TASK 3 You will hear Sarita Shah, giving a presentation on heating problems and solutions for them. Choose four of the options A – G which are correct. ( 4 marks) *
A Heat-well manufactures all the fittings that plug the gaps to save heat from escaping.
B People prefer to guard their privacy and do not like to be filmed
C There is major loss of money for homeowners in terms of huge electricity bills.
D Heat-well provides solutions to reduce heat and energy loss, by filming their houses
E Heat-well officers take pictures of people outside their homes to advertise their product.
F Heat escapes from gaps and crevices and even when doors and windows are tightly closed.
G Clients have to make a heavy payment to get an assessment done.
TASK 4 You will listen to someone talking about things that irritate them on Indian roads. Read the sentences given, then listen to the speaker and complete the sentences in one or two words only.1 According to the speaker, most users find Indian roads full of surprises, _______________and sometimes even a source of entertainment. 2 The speaker says that the noise from ________________ can cause strong physical and mental reactions among road users. 3 The bright beam from ____________________ on illuminated city roads can be a nuisance to other users. 4 The rear side view mirror, a helpful feature to help drivers back the car and ________________, is rarely used. 5 According to the speaker, Indian roads are full of reckless _________ who weave in and out of traffic with little consideration for others.
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Answered by shrishti291195









1. (a)

2. (b)

3. (a)

4. (a)




B; C; D; F


1. dangers

2. honking

3. headlights

4. change lanes

5. bikers

Answered by steffiaspinno

(1)Academic studies have shown that homework: b) Does not help older children.

(2) Parents who help their children with homework: b) Must only guide them with it.

(3) Homework has value for younger children only because: a) It teaches them how to complete tasks.

(4) The female speaker thinks the book is important because: a) It makes us look at homework in a new way.

(5) The first male speaker says that teachers should plan homework: a) After they plan their lesson.

  • Homework is a task assigned to a student that must be completed outside of class time. Homework is beneficial to students because it improves learning, develops skills taught in class, and allows educators to ensure that students understand their lessons.
  • The educational world has been rocked in recent years by school districts, parents, teachers, and educational researchers who have expressed concerns about the effectiveness of homework.

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